10. Where Courage Calls by Janette Oke
One of the best I've read from Mrs. Oke. This book had little pieces of wisdom I enjoyed stumbling upon. And that Christmas scene with Edward and the scarf? Yeah, that was fun.

9. Secret of the Lost Settlement by John J. Horn
I reread this in August, I think. I was again brought to tears and impressed by the amazing message. It was gritty, adventurous, heart-pounding, and even humorous in rare moments.
8. The Island Queen by R.M. Ballantyne
When three ship-wrecked siblings end up on an island that's deserted, more castaways show up, and a 'government' forms, you're in for a fun ride! I liked this book a lot - it's one of the best of Ballantyne's! It was very humorous and lots of fun! I smiled through almost a whole chapter. Yup. That happened. ;)

7. Becoming Nikki by Ashley Elliot
This book was really cool! The main characters were, interestingly enough, brother and sister. They're broken relationship needs mending - little do they think that a horrible accident will become the starting point. I really enjoyed the story and some of the characters. It was funny, touching, and sweet.

6. The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom
Man, this book. I cried multiple times. I saw World War II in a whole new light - it changed my perspective on the time. The Hiding Place was highly interesting, engaging, touching, and had such a great message.

5. The Heart of Arcrea by Nicole Sager
Surprisingly, this one made it on the list. I say surprisingly because as I read each book in the Arcrean Conquest series, the one I had just finished became my favorite Arcrean book. However, after months of not really thinking about the books, I thought about them again and ended up realizing that the first novel in the series, The Heart of Arcrea, was, honestly, the best. We're introduced to fun characters and taken along a sometimes agonizing but interesting and life-changing journey. I loved the way that Druet, the hero of the tale, followed God's leading. Not many books have that in it, and I thought it was really cool. Plus, it's fantasy - a really fun, non-magical fantasy in a land that is seriously unique. You won't forget it.

4. Fighting the Flames: A Tale of the London Fire Brigade by R.M. Ballantyne
A book about the London Fire Brigade in the mid-1800s? How cool is that!? I really enjoyed reading this. I loved the story and Willie Willders, one of the main characters. It was interesting and fun and one of the best by Ballantyne I've read.

3. Millie's Steadfast Love by Martha Finley
Granted, I did re-read this one, (okay, okay! And the one below...), but I loved it all over again. The characters and the story are so fun. I adore this book. The Millie Keith series holds a special place on my ever burgeoning bookshelves.

2. Brothers at Arms: Treasure and Treachery in the Amazon by John J. Horn
This book has been one of my favorite novels for a few years now. It still holds a very special place in my heart and is one of the best books I have read to date. Fun, heart-pounding adventure, charming characters, exotic locations... It's incredibly fun, and I'm so looking forward to rereading it AGAIN with my younger brother.

1. To Get to You by Joanne Bischoff
This book is all about redemption, grace, and second chances. Though the message isn't forced, it seeps into the crevasses of the story (and your heart). I enjoyed it a lot! The characters were fun, and the whole road-trip/broken-son-and-father-relationship story was fantastic and really well done. Intertwined was an adorable romance between the unlikely hero and the homeschooled heroine. (Yes, she's homeschooled.) Super cute.

And theeeeeeeere you have it! The top ten books that I read this year. Totally check 'em all out, and totally let me know if you do. (Or if you've already read any of the above books, and if you liked them as much as I did!) ;)
They all come recommended (and I've reviewed most of them too. Either here, on my blog, or on Goodreads.)
That's all for now, but be on the lookout for another 'Top Ten' post!
Merry Christmas!
~Micaiah K.~